Calling all investors and families. Rendered with incredible natural beauty and convenience, Gleams Creek Hirana from Prime Group is one of the best options you and your family will come across.
Allow this property to give you the happiest moments of your life that you can share with your family, complemented by the beautiful views of Bolgoda Lake. Gleams Creek - Hirana is the ideal location among Panadura Lands for a new home and the perfect place for anyone looking for a peaceful lifestyle; without compromising on the conveniences of town. A convenient 900m away from Panadura - Hirana road with popular banks, pharmacies, and supermarkets nearby.
Hang on tight, and step towards the beautiful Bolgoda lake near Gleams Creek Hirana to find a landscape bound to refresh the souls of investors and families Nestled deep among secluded greenery.
The property is located in the heart of Panadura town. It provides you with close proximity to three large highways and the other conveniences offered by being in town.
Prime Group offers interest-free payment facilities for Reservations.
Reserve your Land in Hirana today
Pay a 10% Down Payment & the Remaining Balance can be paid within 40 months
Pay a 15% Down Payment & the Remaining Balance can be paid within 12 months without interest.
Pay a 25% Down Payment & the Remaining Balance can be paid within 18 months without interest.
Pay a 20% Down Payment & the Remaining Balance can be paid within 12 months without interest.
Bank loan facilities can be arranged from Prime Group.